Zel’s Medallion, The Listra Chronicles. Artwork by Claudia Gotthardt: https://gotthardt-illustration.de/portfolio/

A character-driven high fantasy
sword and sorcery drama.

The first three novels in The Listra Chronicles will be released in 2024 with one to two novels to be released yearly after that.

Book 1: Emerging from Exile
Book 2: Strategy of Deception
Book 3: Voyage of Consequence

Preview Chapter 1 of Emerging from Exile and sign up at the bottom of any page on this site to be notified when the novels are published.

Incoming! — Beta Reader comments about Emerging from Exile, the first novel in the series:

— “Masterpiece!!” - Susana Alexandra Rangel

— “I am mind-blown by everything I just read. I love it! - Giselle de la Fuente

— “The writing and story is phenomenal and, despite what the reader feels, I can promise you they will be engaged!” - Molly Rivera

— “It's gripping! I was supposed to go make dinner, but ended up being late because I couldn't stop reading." - Mena Buchner

— “You have an ability to show the characters with the way they talk. And also to make us hate or truly love a character. Also make us truly feel the emotions And the creativity? Wow! Religions, species, different magics.” - Andrea Puerta

— “There have been so many unexpected twists and turns throughout the novel that have prevented me from predicting what is going to happen next. I was just happy to read every riveting chapter and discover what happens.” - Cristina M.

— “The people, especially the main characters, are very real and alive. They elicit emotions, I care about them and what they're going through.” - Sally Long

— “The characters are well written and easy to relate to. I'm totally invested in this story.” - Melissa Shaw

— “Mystery, bestial magics, and witty banter abound in a novel about growth, found family, and learning to accept help from unexpected places to overcome the great dangers of a harsh and brutal world.” - E. Lamb

— “Definitely a page-turner. Easy to read and get lost in.” - Jatin B.

— “Very Hemingway-esque: to the point and not "flowery." - Luke H.

— “It’s a book with lots of twists and turns cleverly put together to form a page-turning novel leaving you shocked, but wanting more after each page.” - Giselle de la Fuente

— “I loved the strong characters, the magic behind everything, the love stories, the twists to the story! Everything!” - Andrea Puerta

— “It’s really good, better than at least 80% of the published novels I’ve read, and I read a rough draft!” - James Jones

— “From someone who doesn't read that many fantasy novels, I couldn't put it down!” - Christina M.

— “I'm playing "what if" with a fictional story about fictional people in a fictional world, which goes to show how realistic this world and these people are in my mind.” - Sally Long

— “Wow, I never ever expected it to be this good.” - Susana Alexandra Rangel

— “The book was well crafted with satisfying plot twists and engaging adventures. Character development was weaved so smoothly into the story it appeared organic to the reader.” - Molly Rivera

— “I look forward to the sequels because I need MORE!” - Mena Buchner

— “The characters are the strength of this novel. The dialog between two characters really paints an in depth picture of their thoughts. No one character is all good or all bad, these are like real people.” - Melissa Shaw

— “I can't wait to read more!” - E. Lamb

— “Thoroughly enjoyed it.” - Shawn L.

— “All the major plots and questions and mysteries were answered in this book. A person doesn't have to read anymore and feel cheated if they don't. That makes a great book in my opinion.” Luke H.

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