Beta Reader Information

If you think you might want to become a beta reader for the Listra Chronicles (Emerging from Exile book 1 blurb), you’ve come to the right place. This page covers everything you need to know to determine if the process is right for you. The sign-up form is at the bottom of this page should you decide you want to participate.

Thank you!

For Reference: Book 1 Feedback & First Chapter (both will open in a new window)

— The manuscript contains adult language and themes including sex and violence. —

wolf howling at multiple moons - fantasy fiction

Beta Reader FAQs

What is a Beta Reader?

A beta reader is like a beta tester for software; just apply the same principle to books. In the same way a beta tester tests software to find bugs or identify design improvements, beta readers read a manuscript to identify problems with it. Beta readers provide the vital feedback authors need to improve their finished manuscripts before they publish them to the rest of the world.

Note that though the manuscript is finished, it has not yet been professionally edited. Beta readers are not expected to be editors. There’s no rule against pointing out a typo or grammar issue, but that shouldn’t be the focus.

Are there any special requirements to be a beta reader?

No. It’s best for authors to have a diverse group of beta readers, so any age, gender, occupation, etc. will do.

Being an avid reader is a bonus.

Is there anything that would disqualify me from being a beta reader?

Not reading the material.

Not providing timely feedback.

Not being as honest and unbiased as possible in your feedback.

Hating the genre. If you hate fantasy and things like shapeshifters and magic make your skin crawl, you probably wanna skip this one. ;)

How does the beta process work?

This varies from author to author. In my case, I’ve put the manuscripts and their associated feedback forms on this site.

Book 1 is *split into four- to seven-chapter segments with an online feedback form after each segment. Once you submit the form, you’re given the password for the next part of the novel. This will allow you to read at your own pace. However, the desire is that you take no longer than a month per novel. (Each of the novels is roughly 100K words - between 320 and 350 pages in paperback format)

The big key to the entire process is that you complete the feedback form IMMEDIATELY after reading each chapter or section. The idea is to gather the information when it’s most fresh in your mind.

*Note that Book 2 feedback goes chapter by chapter, not in segments.

What if I sign up and find I don’t like the process or don’t have enough time to participate?

You can quit at any time. I ask only that you notify me so I can find a replacement. That said, I do hope people sign up with the intention of completing the series. To that end, I recommend reading Book 1, Chapter 1 before signing up to see if it seems like something you might be interested in.

What are the expectations for feedback?

That you be as thorough as possible in your responses, particularly in articulating any problem areas.

WHY you have the opinions you have is VERY important. If you don’t like a character, that’s great feedback; but it’s only part of the picture. I need to know why you don’t like them. If there wasn’t enough character description, I need to know if that was for all the characters or only one character. You get the idea. Details are imperative.

“I don’t know,” “I don’t have an opinion,” and “I don’t remember” are all valid responses provided they’re honest responses. But, obviously, they shouldn’t make up the bulk of your feedback.

I understand there will be some cases where you simply don’t have much new to say that you haven’t said in a previous feedback form and succinct answers or even a simple “yes” or “no” or might suffice. I’ve tried to do yes/no for as many questions as I can to save time for readers.

Your feedback can be as formal or as informal as you like. Cussing is fine. Typos are fine (provided I can still understand what you’re trying to say), emojis are fine, etc. All I care about is that you’re comfortable providing the review and that your feedback is genuine.

What types of questions will I be expected to answer?

A list of sample questions is located on the beta reader sample questions page. The questions will vary based on the content of the section being reviewed.

What else do I need to know?

My manuscript is copyrighted by law. You can’t steal it or use it in any way.

You CANNOT discuss or share anything you’ve read with anyone else. You must agree to this to become a beta reader.

If you’ve read everything above and feel this is something you’d enjoy participating in, please click the link below to sign up.

Beta Reader Sign Up