NaNoWriMo Status Day 8

Oh, am I having fun today.

I’m writing a scene where I need to make the reader believe the characters believe something the reader knows isn’t true. If you think that sounds like a challenge, you’d be right.

I drafted a good deal of it today though, more than I expected, but I’m worried about whether or not it contains enough interest, intrigue, conflict, or tension. A lot of my concern lies in the fact that it reiterates a lot of info the reader already knows. But that’s also rather unavoidable. At least, I can’t think of another way to craft the scene, and I can’t say why here in case any of you end up reading the novel.

That’s one of the no-so-fun parts about writing, by the way - not being able to really talk to people about it while it’s in progress. I have to be so careful of what I say, and I’m often dying to talk about it. In fact, if I had my druthers, I’m pretty sure I’d never shut up about it.

But back to the scene. At the moment, I feel it’s okay, at best, and that’s not good enough. I may need to find a way to inject humor or some additional conflict or something. I’m not sure exactly what it needs yet, but I am sure I need my brain working at top capacity to figure it out, and I don’t feel I’m there right now. Plus, I’m in a good deal of pain and need to give my hands and arms a rest. So, I’m quitting before I meet word count today. Here’s where I’m at:

Daily Word Goal
2,251 - 2,418
Total Word Goal
80,000 - 85,000
# needed
to be on track
DateWords writtenCurrent Word Countto meet goal
Nov 12,68415,16214,813
Nov 21,81916,98117,148
Nov 31,09318,07419,943
Nov 41,63519,70921,818
Nov 51,77721,48624,153
Nov 62,56424,05326,488
Nov 72,32426,35728,823
Nov 81,73328,09031,158

Still not bad. Over 1,700 words is nothing to sneeze at.


NaNoWriMo Wrap-up


NaNoWriMo Status Day 7